Friday, November 26, 2010

The Raspberry Patch

We had planned on going to Western Mountain Raspberries all summer to pick raspberries, but as life is always hectic, we kept putting it off. But when November came, we knew we had to go quick. We went the weekend before the anticipated heavy frost.

It wasn't easy to get there either. We had to gather buckets, find cameras, get directions, and load children. We left later than planned and the realized we forgot our directions. So we went back to the house. And still couldn't find them. And then we hit terrible traffic getting out to the freeway. It was awful traffic with terrible traffic lights, and we were all so grouchy!

But we finally made it, and we took a deep breath of gratitude and started picking. My mom came with us. She couldn't stay long because she had other plans. Still, we picked fifteen pounds. Wow.

Ricky was quite a little picker too. Although I don't think any of his berries actually made it into the bucket . . .

Deborah helped herself to the berries. It was her first raspberry picking (and eating) experience.
You've got to see this video. I let Deborah loose on the raspberries and Ricky loose on Deborah. Model parenting. P.S. The picture is much clearer once you push play.

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